You know you've done too much PHP when...

Posted by Adam Jones 27th February, 2023

PHP is a versatile programming language that has been used to build some of the most popular websites and web applications in the world. However, like any tool, it's possible to overdo it with PHP. Here are some signs that you may have done too much PHP:

  • You dream in PHP code. When you close your eyes at night, all you can see are curly braces and semicolons.
  • You find yourself writing PHP code on the back of your grocery list. Even when you're not at your computer, you can't stop thinking about PHP.
  • You start referring to your significant other as your "PHP partner." You may even start to forget their real name.
  • You've started writing PHP scripts for everything, even things that don't need them. Your coffee maker now has a PHP interface, and your toaster is running on PHP code.
  • You've started speaking in PHP jargon, confusing your non-programmer friends and family. "Sorry, I can't come to dinner tonight, I have a deadline for my PHP project. I need to optimize my database and refactor my code."

While these signs may seem funny, they can also be a sign that you need to take a break from PHP. Spending too much time on one programming language can cause burnout and make it harder to learn new skills. So, if you find yourself exhibiting these signs, take a step back and try something new. Maybe it's time to learn a new programming language or take up a new hobby.

In conclusion, while PHP is a powerful programming language that can be used to build amazing things, it's important to remember to take breaks and avoid burnout. If you find yourself dreaming in code or speaking in jargon, it may be time to step away from the computer and take a break. Who knows, maybe you'll discover